Sunday, January 24, 2010

Nice Blog

Art at Jackman shows a great idea for packing tape, this blog has not been updated since may 09 but the idea is good :). Thanks to Heater for the Link to I think I am a fan of tape sculpture now :) tell about a competition for the most most creative use of Scotch brand tape. And while you are looking for images of Tape sculpture take a look at this guy mark jenkins, his work will make you smile.

Curator's Corner, is a good blog for historical reference and art history.

Ted Stanke Blog shows some interesting sculpture/3d projects I have shown one of his pictures here.

The first five pictures show my students at work on their selotape sculptures, It took an afternoon to make the body parts we are still putting them together, I will show the results here. Great fun was had by all.


  1. I got the original idea from Mark Jenkins. If you google "tape sculpture" he will be the second link. gives you step-by-step instructions.
